Origin: The True Story of Wolverine - Bill Jemas et al.

(found at Waldenbooks)
Ok, so I'm still reading graphic novels, but I am reading some other books, too. I just finish these a lot faster, plus I keep discovering new ones at the library.

This one's about Wolverine, the famous X-men superhero, the one with retractable claws. It seems that his origins have never really been explained (even he doesn't know), and it's one of those things that fans get all worked up about—everyone has opinions about where Wolverine came from, and many of them would rather not have a book actually written about it. However, Marvel apparently finally decided that they'd rather tell the story themselves than have it told in a movie version by somebody else. Anyhow, I figured I'd take a look at it: it's not drawn in typical X-men/superhero style, but looks kind of the way you'd imagine a comic book of Mark Twain would look. (In fact, one of the characters at the beginning looks a little Huck Finn-ish.)

It's not what I expected. Yes, you do find out who Wolverine was as a child, and a little about why he is the way he is now. But the big question I had was the obvious one: how did he end up with those claws? The answer? Well, one day, these claws come out of his knuckles. That's it.

Aside from that disappointment, the book was all right. There were a few surprises, a few cliched characters and plot points, but it's okay for what it is.

Fed to jonathan's brain | March 03, 2003