Read in order to live. — Henry Fielding

Mister Blank - Christopher Hicks
I found this book a while back at a comic book store and bought it on a whim; I've since read it a few times. The first thing that caught my eye was the main character, Sam Smith, who looks a little like the sort of characters that I've drawn from time to time: Round head, no hair, no nose, just eyes and a mouth. Also, the style of the drawings makes me think that perhaps it was done with the help of a computer—it doesn't look hand inked or colored, the lines are very uniform and flat areas of gray shading. The story itself is about Sam Smith, a guy with no super powers, kind of an Office Space drone, who gets mixed up with some very strange characters. By the end of the book, you've had killer robots, a mime with some strange abilities, time travel, a family of superhuman brothers, and a good amount of creation mythology thrown in. It's a fun book with plenty of silly moments; best of all, this is the entire series, so you don't have to dig for what came before, or look for the books that come after—always a bonus for me.

Fed to jhliu's brain | July 05, 2003