2 Sisters: A Super-Spy Graphic Novel - Matt Kindt
This is a heftier-than-usual graphic novel (magazine-sized, but with over 300 pages) but because it's heavy on imagery and pantomime and light on text and dialogue, it's a pretty fast read. The story a two main plotlines, one involving a young woman named Elle who becomes a spy for the British during World War II, and the other following a Greek vase as it passes from one owner to the next. (There are pirates, of course.) The story is somewhat intriguing, but not especially great, and the illustrations are a little weak. It's an impressive feat to write and illustrate a graphic novel single-handedly, but books like this also show why there's so often a team at work on comics. Decent, different, but not terrific.
Fed to jhliu's brain | February 14, 2005
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