24 Hour Comics Day Highlights 2004 - ed. Nat Gertler

The concept of the 24 Hour Comic Book was introduced by Scott McCloud in 1990: it's a 24-page comic book done totally within a continuous 24-hour period. Nat Gertler came up with the idea to have an international 24 Hour Comics Day, when people all over would get together and hold comics-drawing parties, and then he would collect a bunch of them and publish them in a book.

There are a few notes and stories about the day, but mostly it's just the comics themselves, drawn by a wide variety of artists (including one by a 12-year-old girl who finished hers in merely 10 hours). I haven't ever done one myself but I plan to at some point in the hopefully near future. My favorites from this collection were "Bert and Ferd" by Skeezix and an untitled piece by Joel Priddy (very similar to this one on his website, also a 24-hour comic).

Fed to jonathan's brain | July 08, 2005 | Comments (0)


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