The Brothers K - David James Duncan
I found "The Brothers K" (set in the early 60's) to have some similarities with "The Poisonwood Bible," as it revolves around a family struggling to define faith while living in the small town of Camas, located in eastern Washington. The first half of the book is sprinkled with belly shaking segments of family stories, while the second half revolves around some tear inducing struggles to stay together. The father, a minor league pitcher, prompts a number of baseball analogies, however, the book describes baseball fans that are quiet at games as either 1) complete fanatics, or 2) those that don't know enough to comment on the game. While I fall in the second category, I still found this book fascinating! It actually made me appreciate baseball at a higher level. The story has an excellent theme and is well written, which is why I'm recommending this book (and already have several others by Duncan on my waiting list).
Fed to Mark's brain | October 05, 2006
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