I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean - Kevin Sherry
We bought this book for Ridley through those one of those Scholastic book order deals, and it's really cute. The Giant Squid is very proud of being bigger than everything else, and points out all the things he's bigger than. Of course, then something even bigger shows up, which prompts a funny ending. It's a very short picture book, but the illustrations are wonderful: they're done with multiple layers on plexiglass which gives it a semi-3D appearance. Plus it's just bright and colorful and features a happy squid!
And it's timely, too: it's been reported recently that the giant squid has the largest known animal eye on earth. So even if the squid itself isn't the biggest thing in the ocean, he's got the biggest eyes.
Fed to jonathan's brain | May 07, 2008
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