Another Whole Nother Story - Dr. Cuthbert Soup
But what is our fascination with pirates, and why do we treat them differently than we do other lawbreakers? For instance, pirates are the only type of criminal after which it is acceptable to name a sports franchise.
Dr. Cuthbert Soup is back with a sequel to A Whole Nother Story, which I read a year ago and then just re-read to refresh my memory. (Note: it's still quite funny and I enjoyed reading it again.)
Spoiler alert: if you haven't read the first book yet, you should probably skip this review since I can't really discuss the plot without giving away the ending of the first book.
At the end of the first book, scientist Ethan Cheeseman along with his three smart, polite, and relatively odor-free children and pirate Captain Jibby and his crew, hopped into the LVR and vanished into the past. Jibby and his crew were returning to 1668 to return the stolen White Gold Chalice (and hopefully reverse its curse), and then Ethan and kids were going to save their mom's life. Unfortunately, the LVR fell apart as they landed in 1668, so they were stranded until they could get supplies to repair the LVR.
Of course, being in 1668 presents some problems, particularly if you're dressed in clothing from today, carrying a cell phone and chewing gum. The Cheesemans are taken for witches, for instance.
Meanwhile, the dastardly Mr. 5 has managed to travel back to the past as well, posing as the assistant to Professor Boxley, who has built his own LVR in order to rescue the Cheesemans.
Oh, and of course there are some interjections from Dr. Soup himself, offering his hilarious unsolicited advice.
I thought that while the plot of Another Whole Nother Story was fun and action-packed, the book as a whole just isn't quite as funny as the original. Maybe it's because there's less Unsolicited Advice. Maybe there were fewer outlandish characters. Maybe it's just a case of sequel-itis. It's still a fun read, but for whatever reason I just didn't find myself laughing through this one as much as the first.
Fed to jonathan's brain | February 26, 2011
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