Happy to Be Here: Even More Stories & Comic Pieces - Garrison Keillor
I think I bought this at a library book sale, but I can't be sure. It's an old book: published in 1983 but there are pieces from as early as 1970. We love listening to Keillor's "Prairie Home Companion" on the radio, and have a few of his books (most of which I haven't read yet). It's funny reading these because I can hear his voice and the rest of the PHC cast acting out pieces like "Jack Schmidt, Arts Administrator" (a Guy Noir-like character) or "After a Fall," where he points out the hazard that all tall people must live with. Although it's an old book, much of the humor still works, from bits about New Agey methods (in baseball or wedding planning) to a piece about the myth of "wicked stepmothers" to his well-known stories about plain folks in small towns.
There were a few clunkers, but most of the book was wonderful and funny, and I quite enjoyed it. I believe the book is now in reprints, and chances are you could find it used somewhere.
Fed to jonathan's brain | December 18, 2005
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