Once Upon a Time, The End (asleep in 60 seconds) - Geoffrey Kloske & Barry Blitt
Happy New Year! It's 2006 and I thought I'd kick off the year with a few kids books. This is one I spotted at Powell's: Barry Blitt has done illustrations for the New Yorker and Entertainment Weekly, so the drawings are pretty familiar looking. The frame story here is that there's a kid who simply won't go to sleep and keeps asking for more stories, so the dad keeps cutting them down shorter and shorter. So, for example, you get the story of the two little pigs, and in "Goldilocks and the Bears" you find that "There were some bears; it doesn't really matter how many."
All the stories are boiled down to essentials, and usually end with some sort of hint about going to sleep. (Princess Pea: "Is there a pea under your bed? Then what's your excuse? Go to bed.") They're hilarious and wonderfully illustrated, but younger kids probably won't get the joke. Older ones who know the original stories will get a kick out of it, and parents with non-sleeping children will love it.
Fed to jonathan's brain | January 07, 2006
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