Zippy's House of Fun - Bill Griffith

(found at Brodart Bookstore in Williamsport, PA)
Not everyone is a fan of Zippy the Pinhead, and that's okay with me—it means that Griffith can be strange and unconventional instead of trying to please everyone. This is a collection of Sunday color strips from May 1990 to September 1994. When Zippy first appeared in the Sunday papers, Griffith decided to experiment as much as possible with the full range of colors and gradations available to him, and this book is a good example of that. Besides the usual off-kilter humor, there are many strips which seem to be simply experiments in pushing the limits of the four-color printing process. As a bonus, the copy we purchased is signed and numbered. As Zippy would say, Yow!!

Fed to jonathan's brain | February 07, 2003